Thursday, September 22, 2005

Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum

Ok, so firstly, when I can't think of a title that pertains to what I'm talking about, I make something up. For example, today's title. It's a common thing, especially if I'm jumping around talking about everything to make something up. I do it all the time in e-mails. I think my favorite one of all time though was 'Chunky-dunks and Olympian chocolate cakes.' That was an e-mail title. Was I talking about either? Psh, no. But they saw the title and read it right away, which, in essence, is the meaning of an e-mail right?

So, now that that's all straightened out, on to today's topic, or for today, topics. So as an elective, I took Sociology. I wanted Word Power, but it was all taken, so I figured I could learn about everyone's personality dysfunctions, and tell them that they're screwed up. Jolly good fun. Turns out, if you want to analyze your friends, that's what Psychology, the study of individuals, is for. Not Sociology, the study of culture. Oops. But, I'm in it, and I've got to suck it up and deal. On most days, it's boring as all-get-out(which I really don't know what it means, but it's something about how bad it is) but today was an exception.

We're learning about culture, and how certain symbols mean something to a certain culture and nothing to another one. We got a paper with all the faces from AIM...And a few extras. Here's a few of my favorites:

%-} I think I've had too much to drink.

- : ( Somebody cut my hair into a Mohawk.

And, my personal favorite (if you haven't seen my profile):

+O:-) I've just been elected pope!

Oh, that's entertaining. I saw that and laughed non-stop for the rest of the period. Then, for the rest of the day, I went up to all my friends, demanded paper, and told them that I've just been elected pope along with my smiling face (it took me until the end of the day to realize that technically, if I've been elected pope, that little face is me. Weird stuff)...Or if they had no paper, I wrote it on a few arms as well. I'm just entertained too freaking easily....

Then, right after that class, I went to European History. Normally that class isn't horrible, but it's definitely not my favorite one. But today, we were learning about King Henry VIII. You all know him, six wives? Off with her head? Mhmm, him. If I wasn't very un-ghetto, I'd call him a pimp, but I'm short and Irish, I just can't go around talking like that. I'd get beaten up. Anyways, we were all assigned parts, and we had to research them and go in and tell everyone about the person. Well, my class has 13 people in it, so we got to double up. I was his last two wives, and because I was a queen, I got to wear a crown. It would have been more exciting if it wasn't really cheap, so it kept falling off my head, but not everyone got to wear a crown. So that just made my day better!

So, until next time, your---what would I be this time? Crazy title-loving, Sociology-loving, +O:-) I've just been elected pope!-loving, King Henry VIII-loving (is that all of it?) short girl.

And now, Survivor time. Ooh yes. Reality TV and me are TIGHT! Peace! Haahaa, just kidding. Did you really think I could pull that off? Yeah, right...Adios!

1 comment:

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