Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Running is suchs a fun thing

So, my writers' block has been officially killed. Woot. Now for the story of the day. Yee-haw.

I decided that running was the thing to do today. The last time I went running was a good two weeks ago. I have all these hilly back streets near where I live so I normally go "running" there. Running, for me, is aka run all the down slopes, run a good half-way up the up-hill slopes (if I'm feeling especially overacheiving, I'll run the whole hill, it's fun stuff) and jog slowly for some of the flat, huffing and puffing like I'm the big bad wolf. The rest, aka most of it, I walk. Slowly. Like I'm walking along in the mall, and that soccer mom in the mini-van full of kids isn't behind me, honking. My walkman is a wonderful thing. I turn an astonishing color of red, which is why I never get honked at when running. Yes, everyone, I look an amazing balloon hopping along, having a grand old time. The color is another reason why I run along the back streets, I firmly believe that the public should not be subject to such things as me lumbering along, pretending I'm in shape. Also, the only times when I seem to feel like running is when its at least 80 degrees outside, so I get really dehydrated and am generally glued to a water bottle for the rest of the night.

So, there I was, after running up the hill (yes, I did the whole thing, overacheiving is my thing today) walking away, gasping for air, and I walk past this house where a family is putting up decorations for Halloween. They have a little girl, and she was standing right in the middle of her driveway, staring at me like I was a new toy. She was probably only three years old, and the art of running seemed to mystify her. That made me giggle, which is always a fun thing to do. Then, I started running again, and passed a house where they have a dog, who was chained outside. It started barking at me, which nearly scared the living crap out of me because I was humming along to a Fall Out Boy song (to which I don't know the title because all of them are so long...Go look it up, it is) and that barking dog, set out the one in the house next to it, and the one across the street, and the one next to that...The moral of this story is that I was running down the street with a good four or five dogs simultaneously barking at me. It made me think either I was unwanted or I didn't smell too lovely (it was really hot out there!). Either way, it was sort of weird. But I saved the best for last! Today, it seemed, was National Middle-Aged Shirtless Men Watering Flowers Day. I saw a good eight middle aged men, minus a shirt or at least tank top, for crying out loud, some that were none too skinny watering the flowers. But I figure, if they don't care, more power too them. I could never do that. Most people are grossed out, but most people wouldn't have the guts to do that. It also made me giggle to see all the shirtless middle-aged guys watering the flowers next to the family putting out Halloween decorations. This weather's something, eh? I'm temporarily Canadian.

But I'm in for some good father-daughter bonding time, watching After the Sun Sets, with Bond, James Bond's Peirce Brosnan.

So, until next time, the out-of-shape, AP European History-hating, still short, attempting writing, person who is still emotionally attached to my glass of water for the rest of the night.

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