Monday, October 10, 2005

Fall festivities

So my sister and her boyfriend came home for the weekend. Carinne had a whole plan for the weekend, including just about everything-from going to the Homecoming parade, visiting family, going shopping, and more. Let me tell you this: my sister was more excited to go to the parade than anything I'd ever seen before; my sister is band dork through and through. She told me that her and her friend already planned what instruments their kids will play what seat they'll be to if they become drum major or not. For that, I told her that my children are forbidden to play instruments.

But anyways, yesterday I woke up to my sister yelling that we were going to play pinocle and I had to wake up and play. Yee-haw. Actually, pinocle is a great game, definitely better than any other card game, mainly because you don't have to be a good lier to be good at it, but after me and my sister successfully beat the old folks (the parentals) twice, Carinne informed us that we were going to a corn maze. It turns out that it takes a good two hours to get seven people ready...just to go to one of those lame fall festivals. But finally we got out there, after a good half hour of me cramped next to my little brothers, one of which is not nearly so 'little' anymore. He's taller than me, and thats without the good four inches of hair, and he is one of those guys who beleives that his legs should be open all the way, the whole way, all the time. In a tiny car that we drove (why use the SUV with the room when we have my dad's little car that we can cram everyone in-yay!). So I'm in there completely smushed until I decide to be the horrible sister and tell him that if he doesn't close his legs and move over I will throw my little brother (who was sitting in between us) at him. Which started an entire fight which ended with my parents freaking out and me throwing on the headphones and blasting Fallout Boy at top volume and glaring out the window.

So we get there, and we were going to have a race: whoever can get out, wins. Carinne's friend, Ellen, was suppossed to come but couldn't at the last minute so the even number (we were going to split up in groups of two) was completely screwed. So we had two groups of two and a group of three. We did the boring, pick a paper out of the hat and it ended up with Carinne and Dad, my mom and both my brothers, and I was with Dan, Carinne's boyfriend. For some reason, I don't think he likes me. I don't know why, I just don't. For one reason, he goes, "AWWW! I'm with Alex?!? Cam, switch me!" I know he was just kidding and that I have never won anything ever...but jeez-oh-man the ego is definitely down. But anyways, so we go in the corn maze, and I don't think I've ever seen Carinne so excited. She litterally sprinted in the maze yelling, "DAD! DAD!! Let's GO old man! Hurry yo' lazy butt up!" and ran in.

Me and Dan went in next, not nearly so thrilled, just walking. About 20 seconds in I hear, "I caught up to you!!!! " My little brother, Nate, apparently sprinted in just so he could catch up to us. "Can we pass you guys? "


"Aw, come oooon! You guys are soo slow."

"Bite me."

"Run, Dad, RUN! I can hear them! They're catching UP to US!!! WE'RE GOING TO LOSE!" I look up and I can see my father's head running down a path somewhere in front of us.

We get out of the 'maze,' if you want to call it that, because it was more of the cornhusk path than actual maze. You had no decisions, you just followed the path. But anyways, we got out of the maze, and Carinne was standing there, hands on her hips going, "Well, that sucked. MY high expectations was ruined. You didn't have to decide anything! You just followed it. I'm very dissapointed. It was a complete turn-around from the Carinne who was yelling at my dad only minutes ago to hurry his sorry butt up.

After that, there wasn't much else to do. Those fall festivals were only for like age 6 and under, and none of us were that. We did buy two bags of freshly-made kettle corn and that was, most definitely the best kettle corn ever. I'm eating some right now. Yum.

I wish this post was more interesting, because I know it's not, and it's not really all that funny either, so sorry, but I have so much homework to do, and there'll be something more entertaining all the way because the weirdest things immaginable happen to me, and if nothing does, well, that's when my good storytelling comes in (some call it lying, I call it storytelling).

So root for the Steelers tonight, plot to kill off European History forever and ask yourself why you got fake nails on because they're a mother to type with (this post took a half hour to write-and it's a short one! It should have taken 15 minutes...Oh, what I do to have pretty fingernails...)

So until next time, you're corn mazing, still European History hating, very very lame short girl. (Good God, I think that's my like title. I need a new one.)

P.S. If I made some spelling mistakes, sorry, my spell check thing won't work, which is why the last entry was so bad...oops! I need an editor...

1 comment:

carinne said...

okay first of all

the corn maze was like 20 minutes away
I was too pissed off at the end to say anything
and you were awake for pinochle!!!