Friday, July 29, 2005

Made some Updates

Does this pic make you hunnnnnngry? I'm starving. Mmmm. Cupcakes.

Carinne helped me make updates to my blog, lemme know what you think.

Also, if you want your blog to be a link on my site, leave me a comment with your site link and I'll add you.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Donald

Yesterday, at work, there was this lady who had one of those un-Godly huge orders, like $200, that generally suck. But the really unique thing about this woman was her hair. It was the closest thing to Donald Trump's hair that I had ever seen. Exact color and everything. It was so similar, that if he came on TV today and said that he found his long-lost sister who is currently living in Pittsburgh, and showed a picture, it's believable.

The whole order, I couldn't help gaping at this woman's hair. I really wanted to ask if she was at all related to Donald Trump, but then I realized that if she was, she wouldn't bother with the 20-something coupons she brought with her. Apparently, I was the only one who noticed this because I talked to boy who was bagging for me right after she left and he didn't notice her hair at all, neither did the man behind her. Maybe I just notice things like that.

Then, the other day, the cashier next to me, I swear got a monk in line. It was some pretty cool stuff. He had on a long brown robe that are always in movies and stuff and I swear(okay, it might have been my imagination) that it was tied up by a rope. He was bald and had on glasses and, for some reason, reminded me of Ghandi. Seeing him and Ms. Trump make work unique, if not exactly fun, and at least there's a few good stories coming out of this too....

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Top Ten

Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate Swim Meets

10. You have to sit on a bleacher for two hours. Very close bleachers. My posture is horrible and I ran into someone's knees about 10 times
9. There are events that take a half hour alone because there's so many alternate heats.
8. Sitting two hours in horrible humidity so my straight hair becomes wavy and the little hairs at my forehead completely spiral curl and make me look really dumb.
7. I am one of four people (out of like 50) screaming my lungs off for my little brothers.
6. Am officially addicted to the ice cream they sell.
5. Being officially addicted to the ice cream, I can never eat it without getting it all over my t-shirt.
4. Having no money to get gas for my gas-less car, so I had to run there. And in doing so, realizing how bad I'm out of shape, if my tomato-red face didn't show it or anything.
3. My grandmother seeing a boy who she thinks is cute and having my mother saying that he's in my grade and her going, "Alex, I think you should get to knooow that boy better."
2. See another boy who's in my grade and my grandmother leans over my mom to whisper really loud, "Alex! That boy was checking you out!" The next time he walks by, "He did it again!"
and the biggest reason why I hate swim meets:
1. When I buy my ice cream, I'm licking away, having a great time, when my grandfather goes, "Alex, you have a really good tongue. Have you ever heard that before?" (In response to my there's-no-way-in-Hell-I'm-going-to-answer-that look, and my grandmother and mother and just about everyone around us on the very tight bleachers laughing) "Whaaat? I meant about her ice cream!!"

Honestly, the only good thing that happened tonight was that when I told my grandparents that I have exactly 80 cents for gas, they promptly forked over 10 bucks so I can get gas. That officially made my week...But considering how I spend the majority of my time at a grocery store, that isn't too great of a feat.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Entry to Annoy

So my parents are having this neighborhood/family friends party and I'm bored to tears so I went online. I'm talking to a few people and my little brother comes into the room. "Why are you still on the computer?"

"Because I have people to talk to."

"Well I have to get a code for my video game."

"Beat it by yourself. I really think you can do it."

"Noooo, I caaan't. Allleeeexx!! Let me go on!"

"No, I have a life and I'd like to talk to people."

After this fabulous arguement, Cam just plopped his behind on the chair/footrest thing that is right next to the computer. And he would just lay there. Everytime I'd tell him so politely to get the hell out of my face, he'd just stare at me with his eyes half open like he was high.

This has made me go insane. I don't like people reading my conversations, considering their private, so the only reason this entry is here is so I can tell him I'm doing something important and he needs to leave and I can't get off the computer quite yet.

But now I have to. More neighbors have arrived, bringing their two little kids along with them and some more family friends. I think I'm going to go hide in my room.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

More Stories from Giant Eagle

So I changed my blog just because the last one was so bad. But nothing really happened to me then, and now (considering how I've been upgraded to cashier-woot) I see some strange people at Giant Eagle.

Anyways, I was at work on Thursday, and I had to start at eight in the morning. It was horrible. I was half asleep, miserable, and every cranky old person was in the store that day. So it's just about my lunch time and I pick up enthusiasm for eating when this one specific couple is in my line.

They were nice old people, but kinda weird. First of all, the wife comes up to me and says, "So, are you out of school yet, honey?" I say that my high school let out almost a month ago. "You're still in high school? I was sure you were out of college already. I bet you get this a lot, don't you?"

"Um, no. Most people think that I'm like twelve, actually." She then proceeded to be amazed that I was not in college for like five minutes. It was pretty strange.

Then her husband comes up to me to pay the bill, and goes, "So, who's the lucky guy?"

"Uh, excuse me?"

"Your ring. You must be engaged, because of your ring. Quite a fancy rock you've got there, young lady." This is the point when his wife comes back and tells him I'm still in high school. "High school?!?! And what do your parents think about you getting hitched (I'm not lying-he actually said 'hitched'-oy) when you're not out of high school yet?"

"Um...This ring was from my grandma. I only wear it on this finger because all my other fingers are too fat for it to fit on." I then got a lecture on how I should be more careful about where I wear my rings, because it confuses people, you know. It was really weird.

And then I tell two of my friends about this people yesterday in the car going to the movies, when this guy starts going out of turn at a four-way intersection, and I'm not one for letting people go without whining about it, so I honk my horn at him. Apparently, he's not either, because out of one of his back windows, someone throws an orange at my car. A freaking orange. I was a little bit more than slightly pissed. So I have all this fruit gross stuff on my windshield, to go along fabulously with all the bug guts and bird crap that's already making an appearance on the windshield.

Today, my parents are huge on the 'summer cleaning' so I have to clean my car-a huge feat considering this hasn't been done since at least February. And I have all these dots on the hood of my car, I ask my dad about it, and he tells me it's from those people who threw the orange at me. The acid wore away the paint on my car! So it's not a piece of crap already, with the holes in the ceiling from my dog, and the missing 'seek' button, and how my radio skips everytime I hit a bump (a real Pimp my Ride candidate, the sad thing is, it has a chance of going on the show...if I lived in California). But I love my car, sadly enough, and those holes are not awesome.