Sunday, July 03, 2005

Entry to Annoy

So my parents are having this neighborhood/family friends party and I'm bored to tears so I went online. I'm talking to a few people and my little brother comes into the room. "Why are you still on the computer?"

"Because I have people to talk to."

"Well I have to get a code for my video game."

"Beat it by yourself. I really think you can do it."

"Noooo, I caaan't. Allleeeexx!! Let me go on!"

"No, I have a life and I'd like to talk to people."

After this fabulous arguement, Cam just plopped his behind on the chair/footrest thing that is right next to the computer. And he would just lay there. Everytime I'd tell him so politely to get the hell out of my face, he'd just stare at me with his eyes half open like he was high.

This has made me go insane. I don't like people reading my conversations, considering their private, so the only reason this entry is here is so I can tell him I'm doing something important and he needs to leave and I can't get off the computer quite yet.

But now I have to. More neighbors have arrived, bringing their two little kids along with them and some more family friends. I think I'm going to go hide in my room.

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