Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Donald

Yesterday, at work, there was this lady who had one of those un-Godly huge orders, like $200, that generally suck. But the really unique thing about this woman was her hair. It was the closest thing to Donald Trump's hair that I had ever seen. Exact color and everything. It was so similar, that if he came on TV today and said that he found his long-lost sister who is currently living in Pittsburgh, and showed a picture, it's believable.

The whole order, I couldn't help gaping at this woman's hair. I really wanted to ask if she was at all related to Donald Trump, but then I realized that if she was, she wouldn't bother with the 20-something coupons she brought with her. Apparently, I was the only one who noticed this because I talked to boy who was bagging for me right after she left and he didn't notice her hair at all, neither did the man behind her. Maybe I just notice things like that.

Then, the other day, the cashier next to me, I swear got a monk in line. It was some pretty cool stuff. He had on a long brown robe that are always in movies and stuff and I swear(okay, it might have been my imagination) that it was tied up by a rope. He was bald and had on glasses and, for some reason, reminded me of Ghandi. Seeing him and Ms. Trump make work unique, if not exactly fun, and at least there's a few good stories coming out of this too....

1 comment:

carinne said...

comment comment comment comment comment.

Happy now? lol.

Have you ever met Ghandi? Do you know what he looks like?