Thursday, July 07, 2005

Top Ten

Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate Swim Meets

10. You have to sit on a bleacher for two hours. Very close bleachers. My posture is horrible and I ran into someone's knees about 10 times
9. There are events that take a half hour alone because there's so many alternate heats.
8. Sitting two hours in horrible humidity so my straight hair becomes wavy and the little hairs at my forehead completely spiral curl and make me look really dumb.
7. I am one of four people (out of like 50) screaming my lungs off for my little brothers.
6. Am officially addicted to the ice cream they sell.
5. Being officially addicted to the ice cream, I can never eat it without getting it all over my t-shirt.
4. Having no money to get gas for my gas-less car, so I had to run there. And in doing so, realizing how bad I'm out of shape, if my tomato-red face didn't show it or anything.
3. My grandmother seeing a boy who she thinks is cute and having my mother saying that he's in my grade and her going, "Alex, I think you should get to knooow that boy better."
2. See another boy who's in my grade and my grandmother leans over my mom to whisper really loud, "Alex! That boy was checking you out!" The next time he walks by, "He did it again!"
and the biggest reason why I hate swim meets:
1. When I buy my ice cream, I'm licking away, having a great time, when my grandfather goes, "Alex, you have a really good tongue. Have you ever heard that before?" (In response to my there's-no-way-in-Hell-I'm-going-to-answer-that look, and my grandmother and mother and just about everyone around us on the very tight bleachers laughing) "Whaaat? I meant about her ice cream!!"

Honestly, the only good thing that happened tonight was that when I told my grandparents that I have exactly 80 cents for gas, they promptly forked over 10 bucks so I can get gas. That officially made my week...But considering how I spend the majority of my time at a grocery store, that isn't too great of a feat.

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