Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Another year-long post

So today's post is half a enter-Alex's-sorry-life story, but it's more of a I don't understand, and need answers post! First off, I want to say, I'm not questioning this to offend anyone; I just truly don't know the answer.

So, let's get to it. Guys wearing girl pants. I don't understand. It seems only emo kids wear them, but I can't imagine that it would be comfortable. They aren't made for guys, so you wouldn't think there'd be enough room in there for everything, would you? No one seems to know the answer to this problem, much like the one where you only have $20-shoes or purse? problem. I asked one kid and he had no comments on the situation...I waited for ten minutes for a reply, and no dice. Either he was ignoring me or had nothing to say on the subject. Another kid answered, but all he said was, "I don't know, I'm not emo, ask one."

I would ask one, except I've been branded as a 'prep' (when did this happen? I remember being second grade wearing a blue tie-dye Lion King shirt to school a lot) and I'm very afraid that they will either laugh at me until I leave (except I've rarely seen one smile, have you?) or they will threaten me with...Oh, I don't know...Something nasty, with big pointy teeth. So I just don't know. Again, I don't mean to offend anyone, if the guys who wear those do so for personal uniqueness, more power to you...I just don't have the slightest clue why. So if anyone knows the answer to this issue, please leave a comment amongst all the spam.

Now, to my pathetic life. So today was picture day. Where do I begin? Last year, I was standing in line, talking to one of my friends about how before I left for school that day, my mother gave me a really long lecture on 'smiling normally.' Apparently, I'm one of those losers who, when faced with a camera, will either immediately duck, or make a face that somewhat resembles me getting tortured, but not quite a smile. So, I'm talking, and it's my turn. The photographer heard me talking about my 'smiling dilemma,' and cracked a joke. I giggle, and CLICK. Holy crap, did he really just take that as my school picture?

"OK, next! Good job!"

"Was...Was that my picture?"


I stumble off the stage in a state of shock. "That craphole just took a picture of me-laughing! With my mouth wide open! LAUGHING!" I mumbled to my friend. She's cracking up because she thinks this is another one of Alex's exaggerated stories, but oh, no. This is the honest-to-God truth. The pictures develop, and there's me, giggling like a geek. Of course, I couldn't get re-takes 'cause I came home, set the pictures on the kitchen counter, and went somewhere. While I was gone, my grandparents stopped by and took the liberty of taking their fair share of grandkid's pictures. So I couldn't return them with half gone. Horrible.

The year before that, my hair was only to my shoulders, and curled out. I looked like the 15-year-old version of Nancy Drew. And the rest of the pictures are too painful to go into. I was on the phone with my mother yesterday after I got home from school, discussing...Or, well, me moping and her cracking up, on how zero school pictures ever look normal. So, this is my last shot 'cause Senior pictures are different, I can't wait until I take those, and I think I did okay, so knock on wood.

The real issue was that I was walking down the hall today, and I walk past my English classroom. My teacher's in there and a lot of people I thought I didn't know. Little did I know...

"Oh my God, Alex?"

"What happened?!"

"When you walked past Frazier's room this morning, someone said something about how tiny you are and how big your shoes were and the whole class was laughing at you." With friends like this, who needs enemies? I was pretty freaking embarrassed (this out-shines the whole forgetting to take off the tag on my shirt fiasco of yesterday by a mile) especially because I didn't have English yet.

So, I was sitting in Spanish, telling a few people about my problem, and the kid in front of me turns around and says, "Did you just say tiny pussy, big shoes?"

I stare at him like he's turned orange. "Noo..I said tiny people, big shoes...."

"Oh, all right then. Carry on." And he just turned around and went back to what he was doing. People like that confuse me.

Ok, well this was entirely too long of a post, sorry again. I need to find a way to shut myself up. But until next time, the un-photogenic, short, with big shoes, and bad grammar, Alex!


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Anonymous said...

your life may be very pathetic, but at least it brings much laughter to the rest of us.
i mean, at least your life is funny. mines just boring. lol. i mean, if i actually had a life, do you think i would be sitting here leaving stupid comments. hehe.

ok, on the girl pants subject, i have no idea. i wonder too. so thank you for asking the question that many of us wonder about, but never actually ask.

your spam is funny.
i wish my spam was as cool as yours.

la de da.
i'd say more. but nothing ever happens in my life that i could talk about.

mucho love, Aimee!

carinne said...

(when did this happen? I remember being second grade wearing a blue tie-dye Lion King shirt to school a lot) omg, HAHAHAHA, I so remember that shirt.

Honestly just ask the guys who wear the shorts, they're real people too, and they're actually very nice if you'd just stop judging and do it.

And yo prep... Umm I dunno... do you have big feet? I guess I enver really looked. That kid sounds like a jackass. I would've slapped him.

Funny though.

And I want a copy of the school pic.