Tuesday, September 20, 2005

For every bad day, there's a good day

So Monday was not a good day. I forgot that I had a Physics test on Tuesday, and we were reviewing stuff that I have no idea about. Then I go to Calc and we're doing Trig. Trigonometry, I tell you, is not for the faint-hearted...Or the bad-memory-ed, like moi. Sixth period, Spanish four, eventually rolls around, too. How do I explain what is Spanish four?

Last year, my friend Dustin, constantly made fun of me because I told him I was doing Spanish four. "What are you going to learn? Honestly! And with Shaler teachers, you probably aren't doing the right thing anyways. So why bother taking a pointless class that could be taken up with a perfectly good study hall?" I told him that I was an overacheiver thank-you-very-much, and I was sticking to my guns and toughing out Spanish for one last year. Another fabuloso (Spanish...Oh la, la) decision here, folks! Ms. Israel is the craziest bat in the high school, excepting Zyhowski. Both are entirely too energetic, and one speaks a different language. Now, I whine daily about how much I despise Spanish (it's right before lunch, and I swear the clock stops) and Dustin just sits back and laughs.

Anyways, in Spanish we're learning about artists. Everyday Israel gives a picture from a particular artist and the next day, the kid has to have a five minute report to present-all in Spanish. Now, if we got more than one night's notice, I wouldn't care, but we don't. Guess who got picked for one? And not only one-this picture corresponds with another so I got to do two! Lucky me.

Yesterday was one of those days when I just knew it wasn't going to be good. I just had that feeling, you know? Yesterday I had a call-in for work. I knew the chances of me going in were slim to none, but I just knew that I didn't have the time to go in (five hour shifts people, five hours! From four to nine! That's the whole night!) and that they'd need me. Of course they did!

I wasn't too upset over going in because I need the money like nothing else, and I figure everyone wants to work in a clothes store, it has to be fun, right? Hah. Yesterday was inventory. That's why they needed me. I saw a total of maybe five customers, so it's not like they needed customer service. What I got to do was so much better. I had to go around to every item in the store, and pull the price tag out so it's seen (okay, so it wasn't just me, everyone else was doing it too, but it still sucked.). And then The piles had to be super-neat too. Everyone at Abercrombie has OCD, I swear. The shirts have to be exactly three inches from the edge of the table, the little stickers on the shirts have to be lined up exactly (now who looks at that, honestly?), and here's where it gets really bad: the hangers have to be evenly spaced. What?!?! Who looks at things like this? I'm the messiest person you will ever meet, and this was killing me. I had the nearly irresistible urge to run through the store and just pull everything off the tables, but I didn't because I'm a nice person. After that, I got to go back in the stockroom and count all the tags of everything. They were all in shelves and I had to count a shelf and then write down how many were on that particular shelf. It was tedious, to say the least.

The exciting part of the day was that I got to go home at 7:45 rather than 9 (woo-hoo!) because we had eight people working, and zero customers. They basically said, "We don't need you, go home." So I did.

I spent from the time I got home until about midnight working on my Spanish project. And I still didn't finish it. I'm horrible at Spanish, every other word was looked up in a Spanish translator. I barely got all my other homework done, and just forgot about Physics and went to bed really really late.

Read the post underneath this one because it's all one post, but it was too long so I had to break it up...Oops!

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