Thursday, September 08, 2005

No More Grocery!!!

I'm so excited! Today I get to go and get my last paycheck from the Grocery. I finally got my job at Abercrombie (yee-haw!) and got out of there. That was one of the best days ever knowing I'd never work there again. Woot. So right now I'm drinking Mt. Dew, blasting some music and just feeling good about myself. It's pretty awesome.

Monday was another good day. Kennywood with some friends...I really think I could live on their bacon cheddar fries. Five times on the Phantom. Way too much fun. We were already planning on coming back for Phantom Fright Nights when we realized that it was nine, which is when we were supposed to be home...Not leaving, but in Shaler. My dad was worried 'cause the Kennywood neighborhood isn't too nice, but my mom is a complete other story. I wasn't too worried because people only mug cars that seem like they have money, and my holy '97 Malibu doesn't fit the description.

We got home 20 minutes later, which I thought was pretty exciting how considering how I went the wrong way twice (once I thought the directions were wrong so I went straight and didn't turn, and ended up pulling a U-turn and getting honked at. Oops. The next time, the directions didn't say to go left or right so I picked one and was wrong. So I ended up pulling into a field where a lacrosse team was playing (woot!) and having to ask directions. So it took about 45 minutes to an hour to get there and only 20 minutes to go home. Pretty freaking exciting.

Not too much else is going on except my older sister, Carinne, is doing Sorority Rush this weekend, so go to her blog and leave a comment of encouragement (I deserve a medal, I'm such a nice sister...)!

Well, I'll update when I have something exciting that happens or the creative writing jazz comes back.


carinne said...

Medal - m-e-d-a-l. Lol you are such a nice sister.

When do you start the job?

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carinne said...

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I love spam.