Friday, September 09, 2005

A very long post, get excited!

This is my second post in two days, I'm actually getting good at this stuff! So today my first debit card came in. It was very exciting. I don't know why exactly I'm so hyper about it, but it seems important. Before I forget go to Carinne's site and read the topmost post. Too too funny.

So today, I had to cash my last check (LAST CHECK!!) from Giant Eagle. I walk into the bank because my dad told me just to do that because I have no idea how to use the MAC machines. So I go up to the front desk, wait in line, wait in line, and wait in line some more. Finally it was my turn; the front desk guy, listens to me babble as I explain that I have no idea what I have to do in a bank, how to put this check into my account, or anything of the sort. After all my waiting, all he has to say is, "Go to the teller for that."

Me and my supreme knowledge of banking, big innocent smile, "The what?"

Big smile and a you're-short-and-stupid-I-pity-you-rather-than-despise-you look, "Follow me."

We go to the huge line that you would think would be in the front of the building, but of course it's not. I completely walk past the 'Enter Here' sign, and stand outside those little black rope-ish things that mark the line, looking totally stupid, until some man in the line felt sorry for me and told me that I actually need to get in the line if I wanted to get help. That was a pretty good job on my part.

Then, I'm standing in line, and because I have the attention span of around a four-year-old (and the spelling to go along with it, thank God for spell check) I'm texting some of my friends, and getting mean looks from this old woman behind me, God forbid having friends. So, by some luck, this lady comes out and asks if anyone in line was just cashing a check. It was fairly exciting.

So I go over there, feeling extremely happy over the fact that I know longer have to stand in the 20 minute long line with the screaming baby in it, and the lady goes, "Ok, do you have a deposit slip?"

"Um...I don't think so. Actually, I don't know what it is, so I just might...What is it exactly?" What it turned out to be was a little slip that you write how much money you're depositing and that's about it. The big trouble about this was the fact that Giant Eagle checks have to be the most messed up ever. They don't have a verification thing on the back, or any of those lines that normal checks do, nothing. It's just this gross brown-ish gray color.

Severe look, like I'm trying to cheat on a math test, "Is this a real check?"

And for that look, I plan on being fully obnoxious, "Uh-huh. They've given it to me every week for a looong time."

Then I felt bad because I think she was new because she asked for help from none other than Front Desk Man. He looked only too happy to see me again. After me screwing up several times (I believe that you should always get a few more chances in life, more often than not, I mess my first attempt up pretty awesomely), I finally got out of there in relatively good time.

My next stop was the mall. I was told to just call in for my schedule, but the problem was that in the handbook they gave us, there's about twelve numbers, all of them starting in 1-800. So rather than calling all of them and listening to annoying voice message people, I figured I would just go in. Considering I work at Abercrombie kids, I walk in there and all those who work there think I'm 14. I explain I work there and want my schedule. I get questioned the same questions by two different guys, and get my whopping schedule. I work once this week. Once. And it's a call-in. Which means that if they don't need me, I don't go in. And don't get paid. I left Giant Eagle because of too many hours, now I'm getting none. I need to find the middle man.

It's abso-freaking-lutely (Ok, so I saw someone on the show Sex and the City say 'absoultely' like that, only with a different 'F' word in the middle, and I've really wanted to say that, and yeah, I know I'm a loser. It works for me.) confusing, and sorry about the long post (those rare few who actually read this...) but it's Friday night, and I'm grounded (see previous post) and everyone else is out and I'm sooo bored. Just to make up for this mammoth post, I probably won't post for a while...But if I don't:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what the hell are these ads? lol

You ish a genius. Gwad...even Ican cash a check...

haha. I ♥ you Eelix.