Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Belated Day 2: I'm Already off Track?

For me, it can always be Christmas season; Boyfriend insists that an ideal job for me would be to open a touristy Christmas ornament store (can't say I disagree either)! The smells, the songs, the festivities, the hustle and bustle, the good tidings, and all-around feelings of happiness and excitement still evoke a feeling of child-like enthusiasm for the holidays in me; even my impoverished state and Fall semester finals do not jade my Christmas spirit. These lights hung in my apartment at school; at home, I am still searching for a way to hang my lights in my room so I can ding-dong merrily all year round.

P.S-I apologize I suck badly and am already behind on my photoblog and it's only Day 2. I honestly forgot I was supposed to do this daily. Oops. Plus, I only went to work today and didn't otherwise leave the house so the pictures to be taken are pretty finite.

1 comment:

carinne said...

we wishes you a merray christmas, we wishes you a merray christmas...