Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Open War

I have declared open warfare on 1/3 up to 1/2 of my household. My father has decided that Spanish class is brilliant work, even through my mother and I insist that Isreal is, indeed, a nutcase. That, no matter how many times you say it, or try it, learning about how to put your suitcase in a baggage claim in a Spanish-speaking country, I will never care about the words dealing with an airport in Spanish. Never.

The whole point of this is that this weekend, the entire Park Clan is going up to visit my sister. And I'm not saying 'the clan' figuratively, oh no. My grandparents and my aunt and uncle are coming down with us. We're staying in my other uncle's house. The entire clan. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my family. It's just, I don't want to be driving down the Turnpike with an entire slew of cars behind us, looking like a bloody caravan. No thanks. I don't mind that they're coming, it is Carinne's birthday after all, but right now, more than ever, I wish I could take a vacation away from my family. Go to Mexico with my friends. If I had the money, I would definitely want to. Anyone want to pay the way for a girl to go to Mexico? Anyone? At all? Oh well, it was worth a shot.

You're probably wondering how Spanish class fits into all of this, hmm? Oh, it's good stuff. Well, because my father felt generous, actually he probably wanted to miss the traffic, he offered to get us out of school at noon. Now, the rest of the paragraph goes with the 'fortuanetly' 'unfortunately' book that everyone reads in second grade. Fortunately, I'm in Spanish at noon. Unfortunately, one of my brothers is in-between classes at noon and the other is in lunch. My dad said that he would pick them up first and me last. I told him to pick me up early, at 11:30 and I can go pick them up at the end of the period. Oh no. That would be the smart thing to do. The rest of the conversation gets very angry and ends with, "I've made my decision and that's final. If you want to argue anymore, Alex, I will only get angry."

"FINE! Fine! Make me miserable! Make me miss the only three classes I actually like! Make me suffer through the hellish class dubbed 'Spanish Four.' " (Ok, so I improvised here, but you get the picture.)

"If you want to go to those classes so much you can have a whole day and stay home for the weekend!" If I was intelligent, I would have said fine and proceeded to have a party after all had left. But, as all of you know, I am not smart. The thrilling idea didn't occur to me until I was driving Cameron to swimming, but I wish I was just a bit quicker. Like 45 minutes quicker.

So that is my tirade against Spanish, Ms. Isreal, and my father. But, oh no! The whining continues! It's like one of those bad movies, it just won't end. Anyways....

My little brother, the angel, as most of the world sees him, is a crapface. And that's being nice. He did not want to go to swim practice so badly that he would not drop it until I flipped out and started yelling. This is after the Spanish incident, of course. So my blood pressure is high enough anyways, add a whiney 12 year old who has the world at their beck and call. (Older siblings, don't the youngest ones on your nerves? Youngest ones, don't piss off the older ones, they will eventually get payback...somehow. Remember, our older brains can think of payback in ways you can't fathom. Ok, so we try but then you tell on us and we get in trouble again. Middle children, get out while you still can. You never win. Beleive me, I know. You're not their first baby, nor their last baby, you're just baby. And that's not good.) Then he called my parents so he could get his way. Wonderful.

Gah. I know reading about someone bitching is not so fun, but I had to get this out and all of my friends know how angry I am. Maybe anger management might be a good idea....I already tried screaming into a pillow. No result except my throat hurts. If you have any good suggestions on releasing my-family-is-driving-me-up-the-wall anger, please need a comment. And anything short of a long vacation to Aruba, I will be willing to try.

So until next time, I'll hopefully figure out how to put some pictures of my beautiful new car (which I'm already grounded from, cringe) and maybe this weekend. I just need to figure out how.

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