Thursday, November 17, 2005

Semaine Français

French Week in Shaler Area is a sight to behold. Now, all of you Shalerites know how strange it is. Most schools would not call it normal to have pictures of girls drawn on the walls doing the Can-Can in fluffy skirts and having their hair tied back, which more looks like a flag than actual hair, nor is it normal to walk down the Language hallway to have huge (and when I say huge I mean like longer than a classroom huge) drawings of different shop-fronts from the main street in old Paris. Now, get me straight, I'm not bashing anything. If you think I'm making fun of the artist who drew (has drawn? Hell if I know; grammar and spelling are for pompous people) those Can-Caning girls, or the architect who painted the Moulon Rouge on the window of our cafeteria, or all of the shopfronts, consisting of Virgin Mobile Megastore, and some cafes that I can't even pretend to know how to pronounce, or Sephora, or of course, the Eiffel Tower, you're sadly mistaken, my friend. Anyone who has gotten a note from moi knows that art is not my special talent (I seem to be unable to give a note to a friend without one stick-figure with crazy-ass hair depicting anyone from myself, to a teacher, to anyone I have basically ever known. It's just what I do to spice up an otherwise boring-as-all-get-out note. If I could somehow put stick-figures in everyone of these posts, rest assured that I would.).

But the best thing to behold on French Week is that I do believe it started on a Wednesday (starting on the beginning of the week just makes too much sense, it's too easy to predict then), when I was casually strolling down the Lanuage hallway, trying to get to my Sociology class, when I passed Madame Maiser's room. Those of whom who do not have French don't know that Madame is about....Well I don't know, but she is not a young woman anymore. Walking down the hallway, staring at all of these huge posters of places you've never been to and not even heard of that seemed to have put themselves up overnight (because they did), and all of a sudden all you can hear is the Can-Can blaring out of the French room. Even that is, you know, copable? Able to be coped with? I dunno. Give me a break, it's a week before Thanksgiving (37 days until Christmas! I'm excited!) and all I seem to be able to think about is turkey and chocolate cake.

Anyways, hearing the Can-Can out of the French room is able to be dealt with, I mean, it is Shaler and stranger things have happened, I can tell you. Actually, I can't. I am unable to think of one semi-interesting/shocking thing that would make a random song coming out of a room seem ordinary. But anyways, what throws me for a loop is hearing not-quite-so-young Madame Maiser singing and dancing along to said song. My mouth drops open, and all I Can-Can do is laugh. I keep on moving and laughing, which turns out not to be the smartest move ever because I'm walking alone and people tend to stare at the girl who laughs for no reason.

Oh, well. All I can say is rock on to the French people, because they can pull it off. If Spanish tried it, no one would care nor help (I'm living proof of that. Ask me to help put up signs of famous Spanish/Mexican landmarks all around the school, you better brace yourself because you're going to be getting laughed at.), and no one really cares about Latin. I'm sorry, erm, Latin-ers, but they don't. The only reason anyone takes it is for the SAT's, am I right? And if Japanese people tried to put Anime people all over the walls? With all the Gothic and not-so nice people, and well, just un-cooperative people in Shaler(more specifically, me), I really don't think it'd wash. If I insulted your language, I apologize, because I know you're very attached to the subject you're learning, but it's only my opinion. Which is kind of why I started this blog. To whine about things that happens to me and tell strange things that don't always necessarily happen to me, but simply talk about it. Maybe I just started this to talk. That sounds reasonable.

Well, unless something absolutely amazing happens at work this weekend (I think I'm working all three nights again, what joy), I doubt I'll post again before Thanksgiving, and beware: at this time of year I go Christmas-happy. So for the next four weeks, my posts will probably all consist of something related to Christmas. I'm just that obsessed, and it happens. Anyways, have a good Thanksgiving to all and don't kill yourself playing a Turkey Bowl (us girls are too fragile to play...)

P.S. I still suck at Powderpuff. And if you didn't know, I think I posted this last time but I don't care, come support Juniors this Monday night, 6:00 on the HS Turf. Be there! Actually, you'll be able to pick me out because I was absent from school today and didn't get a jersey, so I'll be the chick who's sharing several people's jersey...For the total of like once I go in.

Anyways, Adios (I can't seem to be able to end this damn post)...Or should I say, Au revoir?

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